FINAL MEETING PROGRAM: 09.45 – Welcome coffee 10.00 – Welcome address – Gianluca Maiolini – Zephyro 10.15 – STEER, its goals and achievements – Daniele Liberanome – Zephyro 10.30 – La trasformazione digitale nell’ambito dei servizi energetici – Alessio Delussu – Edison 10.50…
Meeting & workshop in Gdansk, Poland
The agenda for the meeting is presented [here] in the PDF file.The few photos from the conferences and workshop are listed below, as well as screenshots from the prototype of the E3s. The demonstration version of the tool is available…
Participation in ETFA2017 Conference
The STEER project presented its research outcomes at the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2017) ( that took place in Limassol, Cyprus on September 12-15, 2017. Session 9.1 of the conference entitled “Modeling Energy Efficiency…
During secondment / [PMI] – Milan in [CTA] – Gdansk
Mr. Soroush Rastegarpour and Mr. Le Anh Dao who are a PhD students in lab of Professor Luca Ferrarini from Politecnico di Milano during the secondment in Gdansk (Poland), at CTA.
Consortium’s Workshop in Granada 27-28.03.2017
We met all in University of Granada (Spain), where we discussed about Deliverable D2.3, Deliverable D3.1. After that we discussed about hybridization of the different approaches to converge to a global solution. Next day we tried to agree the specification of the finally…
Beginning of secondment / [PMI] – Milan in [CTA] – Gdansk
Mr. Soroush Rastegarpour who is a PhD student in lab of Professor Luca Ferrarini from Politecnico di Milano began the secondment on January 17 in Gdansk (Poland), at CTAdventure Ltd.
Summary of secondments Athens 04-06.10.2016 [CTA], [ISI]
During secondment of Mateusz Marmolowski from CTAdventure Ltd. (Poland, Gdańsk) were analyzed different metrics wich will be used to assess the quality of the models obtained by machine learning. Different functions can be used, being the most usual as follows: R2 (coefficient…
Summary of secondments in Athens 20.08.2016 [CTA], [ISI]
During the secondment of Mieszko Bisewski from CTAdventure Ltd. (Poland, Gdańsk) were disscused the ways of using Machine Learning (Deep Learning) methods in models in STEER project.
[PMI] and [CTA] – the summary of secondments in Milan, December 14, 2015
During the summary of secondments, on December 14, 2015 in Milan CTAdventure and Politecnico di Milano overviewed of planned energy analysis models in terms of usability for future users a platform E3. Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how…
Meeting [PMI], [CTA] and [AFK] in Milan, September 22, 2015
During secondments in Milan on September 22, 2015 met teams of three partners: Politecnico di Milano (Italy) Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering (Israel) Universidad de Granada (Spain) CTAdventure Ltd. (Poland) We conducted a joint workshop where we discussed…