FINAL MEETING PROGRAM: 09.45 – Welcome coffee 10.00 – Welcome address – Gianluca Maiolini – Zephyro 10.15 – STEER, its goals and achievements – Daniele Liberanome – Zephyro 10.30 – La trasformazione digitale nell’ambito dei servizi energetici – Alessio Delussu – Edison 10.50…
Consortium’s Workshop in Granada 27-28.03.2017
We met all in University of Granada (Spain), where we discussed about Deliverable D2.3, Deliverable D3.1. After that we discussed about hybridization of the different approaches to converge to a global solution. Next day we tried to agree the specification of the finally…
Secondments diagram
Introduction: The aim of STEER project is to create a tool that will provide medical centres and any other large institution involved in their energy efficiency programmes (governmental institutions, utilities providers, lending establishments, independent auditors, managers and technical staff), with…
Kickoff Meeting 29.01.2015, Milan
Introduction to STEER objectives and project structure. Partners presentation: Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering (Israel), Universidad de Granada (Spain), CTAdventure Ltd. (Poland) including short description of the organisation and role in the project.