The agenda for the meeting is presented [here] in the PDF file.The few photos from the conferences and workshop are listed below, as well as screenshots from the prototype of the E3s. The demonstration version of the tool is available on the website.
The meeting was organized in LINTE^2 Laboratory in Technical University in Gdansk.
The LINTE^2 Laboratory is a complex experimental installation dedicated to R&D activities in the area of electric power systems. The installation has the form of a flexibly configured reduced-scale power system equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus, power generating / converting units and a distributed control system based on Ethernet communication.
Activities of the Laboratory include research and development projects carried out with participation and for the industry, demonstration and training actions and other forms of R&D undertakings aimed at the implementation and commercialization of the results.
The Laboratory was constructed as an investment project entitled Laboratory for Innovative Power Technologies and Integration of Renewable Energy Sources (acronym LINTE^2) funded in the frame of the ERDF, within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013. The Laboratory became operational as of the beginning of 2016.
The primary research activities of the Laboratory are carried out in the following areas:
- Real-time modeling of electric power systems, including smart grids
- System-level and device-level R&D activities in the area of grid control and management
- Modelling and testing of emerging electric grid services
- SCADA solutions for electric power systems
- Testing prototype grid equipment, notably power electronic converters, PV power plants, small wind generators and small co-generators (simulation mode, hardware-in-the-loop, and real-time experiments)