We met all in University of Granada (Spain), where we discussed about Deliverable D2.3, Deliverable D3.1. After that we discussed about hybridization of the different approaches to converge to a global solution.
Next day we tried to agree the specification of the finally proposed hybrid model and its testing methodology. We started also to discuss about the software that would integrate the hybrid model.
Jorge Casillas UGR, Antonio González UGR, Javier Ordóñez UGR, Elena Ruiz UGR, Mieszko Bisewski CTA, Mateusz Marmolowski CTA, Marek Trojanowicz CTA, Luca Ferrarini PMI Giacomo Intini ZEP, Athanasios Kalogeras ISI, Christos Koulamas ISI, Antonios Moronis ISI, Stefano Nicolodi ENR, David Berla AFK, Moshe Tshuva AFK, Sharon Gat AFK